KIEZgroup (Lower Intermediate Group)


 A Lower Intermediate group (hosted by the Bruno Taut Laden)  in their room in the Ladenstraße, Onkel Toms Hütte U-Bahnhof

Tuesdays  12.30 – 14.00

To download this week’s homework go to the bottom of this text.




We usually start our time together talking about our (mainly) cultural experience in the previous week. We will also do some other warming-up activities.

Then we will talk about something you have read at home and what you have been thinking about. Some of you know each other, others are new. We will experiment with talking in a big group and talking in pairs or groups of three.

‘Talking’ means just that – but also looking at the words you need, nicer words for the ones you think of – and so on. You can tell me what you would likte to do – and see if other people agree with you!